Are you one of the many people who say they would like to cycle in and around Chester but are unsure about riding on your own, riding in traffic, where to park your bike, etc. etc? Or maybe you’re back on a bike after some time and need a bit of a confidence boost?
Maybe you’re unsure about choosing routes to where you want to go – work, children’s schools, shops, city centre, leisure, friends, etc? If so, Chester Cycle Buddies can help. Please read the information below and click the link at the bottom of the page.
Chester Cycle Buddies is a free scheme run by the Chester Cycling Campaign to match experienced volunteer cyclists who are Campaign members with those aged 18 or over who would like some support to help them cycle more in Chester.
You don’t have to be a member of Chester Cycling Campaign to receive help from Cycle Buddies. (But we obviously hope you will join once you’ve found your cycling mojo!)
We anticipate that about 3 to 6 rides/sessions will be about right for most people, but of course this may vary. Cycle Buddies will need a roadworthy bike or cycle of any type – either your own or borrowed. Unsure if yours is roadworthy? Get a free check by joining the Campaign!
If people seeking help would like some formal cycle instruction before you use the Chester Cycle Buddies Scheme, then here are a couple of options:
- Karen Barker is a local National Standards Cycling Instructor. Contact her on on Facebook, or phone her on 07899 050003.
- Free courses are run by Cheshire West and Chester Council when funding is available, so it’s worth checking availability.
Note that Cycle Buddies ride at their own risk, exercising their own judgement about keeping safe on the road, in the same way as anyone who cycles for transport. Chester Cycle Buddies is not covered by group insurance. If you would like third party insurance cover, then we suggest joining Cycling UK who provide such insurance as a membership benefit.
Click here to find out more about Cycle Buddies and how to join the scheme