Here you will find an extensive repository of cycling related guidance, policies, research findings and government regulations. This document library is intended to be a resource for cycle campaigners, planners, local authority officers and others involved in the work of improving cycling infrastructure. The source of each document is acknowledged in the list – we have no intention of breaching any copyright restrictions pertaining to any of this material.
Note that the list of documents can be sorted by any column in either direction (from A to Z, or Z to A) by clicking the double arrowheads.
Use the search function at the top of the table to instantly filter the list to find a particular document using a document reference, a word or a part of a word.
Document Title | Year | Source | Main Topic | Summary |
Guide to Country Gates and Barriers.pdf | 2007 | Camarthenshire Disabled Access Group | Infrastructure Design | Guidance on best practice relating to the design of countryside gates and barriers to enable use by those using wheelchairs, trikes and scooters. |
Cycle Parking Guide For New Residential Developments.pdf | 2010 | Cambridge City Council | Cycle Parking and Storage | Provides guidance on the nature and layout of cycle parking, and other security measures, to be provided within new residential developments. |
Sustainable Travel Access Fund Update.pdf | 2018 | Cheshire and Warrington LEP | Travel and Transport Funding | Update on local authority applications for Active Travel funding from the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership's £5 million investment budget. |
Chester Cycle Masterplan.pdf | 2010 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Infrastructure Design | Detailed plan for removing barriers to cycling around the city centre, improving city centre permeability and stimulating a modal shift to cycling. |
Thinking Smart Mobility - Chester One City Plan.pdf | 2021 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Infrastructure Design | Creative ideas for transforming transport in Chester with a modal shift towards sustainable travel in all of its forms. |
Hoole Road Study Workshop Presentation.pdf | 2020 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Infrastructure Design | Plan for the redevelopment of the Hoole Road corridor by balancing the movement of people and goods with the creation of people-friendly places. |
CWAC Cycling Strategy 2013.pdf | 2014 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Cycling Policy | The council's ideas and proposals to make cycling easier, cheaper, safer, attractive and more convenient over a 15 year period. |
CWAC LCWIP July 2020 Final.pdf | 2020 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Urban Planning | CWAC's Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan outlining a strategic approach to cycling and walking improvements at a local level over a 10 year period. |
Chester One City Plan 2012-2027.pdf | 2011 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Urban Planning | Strategic document setting out plans for public and private investment and development activity into Chester city centre over a 15 year period. |
Connecting the Atlantic Gateway Main 2014.pdf | 2014 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Travel and Transport Funding | CWAC LSTF funding bid for package of measures to boost local employment and training and deliver the objectives of the Atlantic Gateway. |
Connecting the Atlantic Gateway Appendix 2014.pdf | 2014 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Travel and Transport Funding | Appendix of maps and plans linked to the CWAC LSTF Atlantic Gateway funding bid for package of measures to boost local employment and training. |
Parking Standards SPD 2017.pdf | 2017 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Urban Planning | Specifies parking standards for cars and cycles are applicable to local planning applications made before 2022. Superceded by Parking Standards SPD 2022. |
Parking Standards SPD 2022.pdf | 2022 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Urban Planning | Specifies parking standards for cars and cycles that are applicable to local planning applications made from 17/03/2022 onwards. Replaces the 2017 SPD. |
Ellesmere Port Greenway Flyer.pdf | 2012 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Map and Guide | Map and guide to 50 km of multi-user pathways and tracks providing a network of quiet lanes and green routes around Ellesmere Port. |
Cycle Storage and Parking for Planners v5.2.pdf | 2024 | Chester Cycling Campaign | Cycle Parking and Storage | A checklist and easy guide to storage and parking solutions compliant with the parking Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) issued by CWAC. |
Interactive Route, Cycle Parking and Access Map | 2022 | Chester Cycling Campaign | Infrastructure Mapping and Barrier Auditing | Interactive, layered map of Chester area with access/barrier locations, photos and measurements, and detailed features of all cycle tracks/lanes. |
Groningen Cycling Strategy 2015-2025.pdf | 2015 | City of Groningen | Cycling Policy | Inspiring story of Dutch's city's strategic approach to building a 'cycling first' infrastructure in order to tackle congestion and pollution, and to improve health. |
DfT Advanced Stop Lines For Cyclists Guidance.pdf | 2005 | Department for Transport | Advanced Stop Lines | Summarises the findings of studies to monitor trial installations of Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists. |
DfT Contraflow Cycling Guidance.pdf | 1998 | Department for Transport | Contraflow Cycle Lanes | Advice on when permitting cycling in the contraflow direction in one-way streets may be appropriate. |
DfT Cycle Infrastructure Design LTN 2/08 2008.pdf | 2008 | Department for Transport | Infrastructure Design | Very detailed advice and specifications for the design and construction of cycling infrastructure. Superseded by LTN 1/20. |
DfT Cycle Infrastructure Design LTN 1/20 2020.pdf | 2020 | Department for Transport | Infrastructure Design | Very detailed advice and specifications for the design and construction of cycling infrastructure. |
DfT Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans Technical Guidance.pdf | 2017 | Department for Transport | LCWIP Guidance | LCWIP guidance seting out a recommended approach to planning networks of walking and cycling routes. |
DfT Decarbonising Transport - Setting the Challenge.pdf | 2020 | Department for Transport | Decarbonising Transport | Sets out policy framework for reducing carbon emissions from all forms of transport. |
DfT Further Development of Advanced Stop Lines.pdf | 1996 | Department for Transport | Advanced Stop Lines | Offers additional design advice based on the findings of further research into the use of Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists (ASLs). |
DfT Gear Change - A Bold Vision for Cycling and Walking.pdf | 2020 | Department for Transport | Cycling Policy | Describes vision and approach for promotion of walking and cycling as transport modes. |
DfT Setting Local Speed Limits Circular.pdf | 2013 | Department for Transport | Speed Limits | Guidance on the setting of all local speed limits on single and dual carriageway roads in both urban and rural areas. |
DfT Manual For Streets.pdf | 2007 | Department for Transport | Infrastructure Design | Definitive guide to the principles for the design, construction and maintenance of residential streets and public spaces. |
DfT Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy 2016.pdf | 2016 | Department for Transport | Cycling Policy | Government plans for creating a walking and cycling nation, including the finance available and the strategy for delivering the objectives. |
DfT Transport and Environment Statistics 2021.pdf | 2021 | Department for Transport | Statistical Report | Statistics on the impact of transport on the environment, including greenhouse gas emissions, air quality and electric vehicles. |
DfT Cycling in Vehicle Restricted Areas.pdf | 2003 | Department for Transport | Pedestrianisation | Research findings in Cambridge, Hull and Salisbury on the sharing of space between cyclists and pedestrians in vehicle restricted areas (VRAs). |
DfT Traffic Calming LTN 1/07.pdf | 2007 | Department for Transport | Traffic Calming | Comprehensive advice and guidance on the use of a wide variety of traffic calming measures, including their design, effectiveness and installation. |
Dee River Basin District Flood Risk Management Plan.pdf | 2016 | Environment Agency | Flood Risk Management | Promotes understanding of flood risks and sets out proposed measures to manage the risk in the Dee River Basin District from 2015 to 2021 and beyond. |
Design of Residential Development.pdf | 2012 | Halton Borough Council | Residential Development | Practical guidance and support for those involved in the planning and design of residential developments in Halton, including cycle parking. |
Designing for Walking, Cycling and Horse Riding ver 2.0.1.pdf | 2021 | Highways England | Infrastructure Design | Provides requirements and gives advice regarding the design of walking, cycling and horse-riding facilities on and/or adjacent to motorways and trunk roads. |
Highways England Designated Funds.pdf | 2021 | Highways England | Travel and Transport Funding | Guidelines for applying for funding from Highways England for projects meeting HE strategic priorities under any of four categories from 2020 to 2025. |
Living Streets - The Pedestrian Pound.pdf | 2018 | Living Streets | Pedestrianisation | Outlines the business and commercial case for the creation of pedestrian and cyclist friendly streets. |
Mersey Dee Alliance Fiscal Stimulus Strategy.pdf | 2021 | Mersey Dee Alliance | Travel and Transport Funding | Frequently Asked Questions document regarding the Mersey Dee Alliance Fiscal Stimulus Package and Strategy for business support and skill development. |
Cycling and Walking Safety Evidence Assessment.pdf | 2018 | NatCen Social Research | Active Travel Research | Evidence based assessment of whether cycling and walking interventions are effective in reducing risk to participants without adversely affecting participation. |
Liverpool City Region Strategic Rail Study.pdf | 2020 | Network Rail | Strategic Rail | Sets out plans for the future development of the Merseyrail network, including expanding capacity and interconnectivity. |
Chester Greenway Habitat Management Plan.pdf | 2016 | Sustrans | Habitat | Sustrans' habitat management plan for the Chester Millennium Greenway, including advice on legally protected and invasive species. |
Chester Millennium Greenway Leaflet.pdf | 2021 | Sustrans | Map and Guide | Sustrans public guide to the Chester Millennium Greenway with maps and notes. |
A Moment of Change - Covid-19 Advice.pdf | 2020 | Sustrans | Cycling Policy | Guidance for planning active travel infrastructure and behaviour change programmes encouraging active travel for employment, education and training. |
Sustrans De-designation Route List.pdf | 2020 | Sustrans | National Cycle Network | List of routes for de-designation, signing changes and resolution of route deficiencies. |
Sustrans Paths for Everyone.pdf | 2018 | Sustrans | National Cycle Network | Sets out Sustrans' plans for improving safety and accessibility on the National Cycle Network. |
Sustrans Standards for Public Cycle Parking 2021.pdf | 2021 | Sustrans | Cycle Parking and Storage | Guidance for the purchase, installation and management of cycle parking which is easy to use, safe, secure and durable. |
Sustrans Towards Transport Justice Report.pdf | 2008 | Sustrans | Cycling Policy | Outlines the steps required to make the transport system socially just, less carbon-intensive and more robust to oil price shocks. |
Sustrans Walking Cycling and Wheeling Covid-19 Guidance.pdf | 2020 | Sustrans | Advice and Guidance | Compilation of guidance relating to walking, cycling and wheeling during the Covid-19 pandemic to protect self and others. |
Chester Canal Conservation Area Character Appraisal.pdf | 2018 | Total Environment | Canal and Waterways Conservation | Detailed analysis of the Chester Canal Conservation Area and its historic features with recommendations for enhancements and protections. |
TfL London Cycling Design Standards.pdf | 2016 | Transport for London | Infrastructure Design | Very comprehensive and detailed document setting out requirements and guidance for the design of cycle-friendly streets and spaces. |
Wheels for Wellbeing Guide to Inclusive Cycling.pdf | 2020 | Wheels for Wellbeing | Inclusive Cycling | Definitive guide to the design and installation of cycling infrastructure which is inclusive and enabling for all cyclists and all types of wheeled mobility aids. |
Northwich Cycling Strategy.pdf | 2015 | Sustrans | Cycling Policy | Detailed report prepared by Sustrans into options for developing cycle routes along key corridors into Northwich town centre and around gyratory system. |
Cycling Campaign Report on A56 Corridor.pdf | 2020 | Chester Cycling Campaign | Infrastructure Design | Very detailed analysis of the issues associated with the creation of a safe cycle route from the ‘Super Trees’ roundabout to the M56 roundabout. |
Chester Transport Strategy Baseline Report.pdf | 2013 | AECOM | Transport Strategy | Prepared by consultants commissioned by CWAC, this is an all encompassing and detailed Transport Strategy covering a 15 year period from 2013 to 2028. |
Park and Ride in Chester - Case for a Fifth Site.pdf | 2013 | Friends of North Chester Greenbelt | Transport Strategy | Analysis of the case for a fifth Park and Ride site in Chester, including the economic, road utilisation and environmental impacts of the proposed scheme. |
CWAC Local Transport Plan 2011-2026.pdf | 2011 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Transport Strategy | Cheshire West and Chester Council’s strategy and proposals for improving local transport including detailed objectives and an initial implementation plan. |
Chester Racecourse Master Plan Design and Access Statement.pdf | 2018 | Chester Racecourse Company | Architecture and Urban Design | Sets out the proposed size, use and siting of planned buildings, including pedestrian/vehicle movements, access, sustainability and options for project phasing. |
A41 Route Improvements Survey v8.pdf | 2022 | Chester Cycling Campaign | Infrastructure Design | Describes the current infrastructure and the difficulties with the A41 route from Backford to Hoole roundabout as well as a range of potential solutions. |
CWAC Active Travel Planning Presentation March 2021 | 2021 | Cheshire West & Chester Council | Urban Planning | Presentation setting out CWAC's approach to how active travel should be supported through the planning process and local planning policy. |
Canal and River Trust Active Travel Presentation March 2021 | 2021 | Canal and River Trust | Canal and Waterways Conservation | Presentation setting out how the Canal and River Trust acts to improve people's lives including through the support of active travel on the waterway network. |
DfT Inclusive Mobility: A Guide to Best Practice.pdf | 2021 | Department for Transport | Inclusive Cycling | Guidance on providing an inclusive environment, covering issues related to barriers, the use of technology, and the needs of disabled people. |
LCRCA Cycle Parking Guidance.pdf | 2022 | Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | Cycle Parking and Storage | Comprehensive guidance on the principles, types, designs, suitability, financing, management and maintenance of good, inclusive cycle parking. |
Definitive Map and PROW Changes Guide.pdf | 2008 | Natural England | Public Rights of Way | Clearly written guidance and information about definitive maps and the ways in which both these maps and individual rights of way can be changed. |
Active Travel England Standing Advice Note June 2023.pdf | 2023 | Active Travel England | Infrastructure Design | Excellent, brief guide for local authorities in assessing planning applications from the point of view of active travel requirements and design. |
Fix Your Bike Voucher Scheme Evaluation.pdf | 2023 | Department for Transport | Travel and Transport Funding | Evaluation of the 2020-21 Fix Your Bike voucher scheme, which involved the release of 400,000 £50 vouchers to be used for cycle repair or service. |
How to Get Physical Barriers Redesigned or Removed | 2022 | Sustrans | Inclusive Cycling | Sustrans' helpful and detailed step-by-step online guide to getting to get barriers redesigned or removed on traffic-free cycle paths. |
Active Travel England Corporate Plan 2023-25.pdf | 2023 | Active Travel England | Transport Strategy | Three year Active Travel England organisational and finanical plan including strategic priorities and performance indicators for the period covered. |
Ince Neighbourhood Plan | 2023 | Ince Parish Council | Local Planning | Local parish level strategic planning document covering the period 2023-2030, including sustainable transport and cycling policies. |
Gear Change - One Year On.pdf | 2021 | Department for Transport | Transport Strategy | Review of Government's 'Gear Change' initiative tracking projects such as Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and Big Bike Revival, including effects on cycling levels. |
CD-195-Designing-for-Cycle-Traffic.pdf | 2021 | Highways England | Infrastructure Design | Provides extremely detailed advice regarding requirements for the design of infrastructure for cycle traffic on the motorway and trunk road network. |
K and A Frame Barriers - The Case Against v1.0.pdf | 2024 | Chester Cycling Campaign | Inclusive Cycling | Arguments against the installation of A- or K-Frame barriers due to noncompliance with Gov't guidelines and unacceptability under equality legislation. |
Flintshire Parking Supplementary Planning Guidance.pdf | 2017 | Flintshire County Council | Infrastructure Design | Detailed guidance on the design and layout of new or additional parking facilities, including minimum cycle parking standards. |
LCRCA Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2018-2028.pdf | 2018 | Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | Local Planning | Improvement plan for public rights of way in the Liverpool region (including Wirral) with list of planned and costed projects to extend the network. |
North Road Ellesmere Port Development Brief.pdf | 2003 | Peel Holdings/ Manchester Ship Canal Company | Local Planning | Outlines the way in which the Site at North Road could be developed, setting out the key principles for development and guidance for developers. |
Property Rights, Public Choice & Urban Containment.pdf | 1997 | Mark Pennington | Local Planning | PHD thesis analysing aspects of the British planning system relating to urban containment, green belt land, private house-building and housing market demand. |
Frodsham Solar - Phase One Consultation Summary Report.pdf | 2024 | Cubico | Local Planning | Overview of the results of the 2023 Phase One community consultation relating to the development of a large solar farm near Frodsham. |