Cycling Document Reference Library

Image of a selection of cycling related documentsHere you will find an extensive repository of cycling related guidance, policies, research findings and government regulations. This document library is intended to be a resource for cycle campaigners, planners, local authority officers and others involved in the work of improving cycling infrastructure. The source of each document is acknowledged in the list – we have no intention of breaching any copyright restrictions pertaining to any of this material. 

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Document TitleYearSourceMain TopicSummary
Guide to Country Gates and Barriers.pdf2007Camarthenshire Disabled Access GroupInfrastructure DesignGuidance on best practice relating to the design of countryside gates and barriers to enable use by those using wheelchairs, trikes and scooters.
Cycle Parking Guide For New Residential Developments.pdf2010Cambridge City CouncilCycle Parking and StorageProvides guidance on the nature and layout of cycle parking, and other security measures, to be provided within new residential developments.
Sustainable Travel Access Fund Update.pdf2018Cheshire and Warrington LEPTravel and Transport FundingUpdate on local authority applications for Active Travel funding from the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership's £5 million investment budget.
Chester Cycle Masterplan.pdf2010Cheshire West & Chester CouncilInfrastructure DesignDetailed plan for removing barriers to cycling around the city centre, improving city centre permeability and stimulating a modal shift to cycling.
Thinking Smart Mobility - Chester One City Plan.pdf2021Cheshire West & Chester CouncilInfrastructure DesignCreative ideas for transforming transport in Chester with a modal shift towards sustainable travel in all of its forms.
Hoole Road Study Workshop Presentation.pdf2020Cheshire West & Chester CouncilInfrastructure DesignPlan for the redevelopment of the Hoole Road corridor by balancing the movement of people and goods with the creation of people-friendly places.
CWAC Cycling Strategy 2013.pdf2014Cheshire West & Chester CouncilCycling PolicyThe council's ideas and proposals to make cycling easier, cheaper, safer, attractive and more convenient over a 15 year period.
CWAC LCWIP July 2020 Final.pdf2020Cheshire West & Chester CouncilUrban PlanningCWAC's Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan outlining a strategic approach to cycling and walking improvements at a local level over a 10 year period.
Chester One City Plan 2012-2027.pdf2011Cheshire West & Chester CouncilUrban PlanningStrategic document setting out plans for public and private investment and development activity into Chester city centre over a 15 year period.
Connecting the Atlantic Gateway Main 2014.pdf2014Cheshire West & Chester CouncilTravel and Transport FundingCWAC LSTF funding bid for package of measures to boost local employment and training and deliver the objectives of the Atlantic Gateway.
Connecting the Atlantic Gateway Appendix 2014.pdf2014Cheshire West & Chester CouncilTravel and Transport FundingAppendix of maps and plans linked to the CWAC LSTF Atlantic Gateway funding bid for package of measures to boost local employment and training.
Parking Standards SPD 2017.pdf2017Cheshire West & Chester CouncilUrban PlanningSpecifies parking standards for cars and cycles are applicable to local planning applications made before 2022. Superceded by Parking Standards SPD 2022.
Parking Standards SPD 2022.pdf2022Cheshire West & Chester CouncilUrban PlanningSpecifies parking standards for cars and cycles that are applicable to local planning applications made from 17/03/2022 onwards. Replaces the 2017 SPD.
Ellesmere Port Greenway Flyer.pdf2012Cheshire West & Chester CouncilMap and GuideMap and guide to 50 km of multi-user pathways and tracks providing a network of quiet lanes and green routes around Ellesmere Port.
Cycle Storage and Parking for Planners v5.2.pdf2024Chester Cycling CampaignCycle Parking and StorageA checklist and easy guide to storage and parking solutions compliant with the parking Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) issued by CWAC.
Interactive Route, Cycle Parking and Access Map2022Chester Cycling CampaignInfrastructure Mapping and Barrier Auditing Interactive, layered map of Chester area with access/barrier locations, photos and measurements, and detailed features of all cycle tracks/lanes.
Groningen Cycling Strategy 2015-2025.pdf2015City of GroningenCycling PolicyInspiring story of Dutch's city's strategic approach to building a 'cycling first' infrastructure in order to tackle congestion and pollution, and to improve health.
DfT Advanced Stop Lines For Cyclists Guidance.pdf2005Department for TransportAdvanced Stop LinesSummarises the findings of studies to monitor trial installations of Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists.
DfT Contraflow Cycling Guidance.pdf1998Department for TransportContraflow Cycle LanesAdvice on when permitting cycling in the contraflow direction in one-way streets may be appropriate.
DfT Cycle Infrastructure Design LTN 2/08 2008.pdf2008Department for TransportInfrastructure DesignVery detailed advice and specifications for the design and construction of cycling infrastructure. Superseded by LTN 1/20.
DfT Cycle Infrastructure Design LTN 1/20 2020.pdf2020Department for TransportInfrastructure DesignVery detailed advice and specifications for the design and construction of cycling infrastructure.
DfT Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans Technical Guidance.pdf2017Department for TransportLCWIP GuidanceLCWIP guidance seting out a recommended approach to planning networks of walking and cycling routes.
DfT Decarbonising Transport - Setting the Challenge.pdf2020Department for TransportDecarbonising TransportSets out policy framework for reducing carbon emissions from all forms of transport.
DfT Further Development of Advanced Stop Lines.pdf1996Department for TransportAdvanced Stop LinesOffers additional design advice based on the findings of further research into the use of Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists (ASLs).
DfT Gear Change - A Bold Vision for Cycling and Walking.pdf2020Department for TransportCycling PolicyDescribes vision and approach for promotion of walking and cycling as transport modes.
DfT Setting Local Speed Limits Circular.pdf2013Department for TransportSpeed LimitsGuidance on the setting of all local speed limits on single and dual carriageway roads in both urban and rural areas.
DfT Manual For Streets.pdf2007Department for TransportInfrastructure DesignDefinitive guide to the principles for the design, construction and maintenance of residential streets and public spaces.
DfT Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy 2016.pdf2016Department for TransportCycling PolicyGovernment plans for creating a walking and cycling nation, including the finance available and the strategy for delivering the objectives.
DfT Transport and Environment Statistics 2021.pdf2021Department for TransportStatistical ReportStatistics on the impact of transport on the environment, including greenhouse gas emissions, air quality and electric vehicles.
DfT Cycling in Vehicle Restricted Areas.pdf2003Department for TransportPedestrianisationResearch findings in Cambridge, Hull and Salisbury on the sharing of space between cyclists and pedestrians in vehicle restricted areas (VRAs).
DfT Traffic Calming LTN 1/07.pdf2007Department for TransportTraffic CalmingComprehensive advice and guidance on the use of a wide variety of traffic calming measures, including their design, effectiveness and installation.
Dee River Basin District Flood Risk Management Plan.pdf2016Environment AgencyFlood Risk ManagementPromotes understanding of flood risks and sets out proposed measures to manage the risk in the Dee River Basin District from 2015 to 2021 and beyond.
Design of Residential Development.pdf2012Halton Borough CouncilResidential DevelopmentPractical guidance and support for those involved in the planning and design of residential developments in Halton, including cycle parking.
Designing for Walking, Cycling and Horse Riding ver 2.0.1.pdf2021Highways EnglandInfrastructure DesignProvides requirements and gives advice regarding the design of walking, cycling and horse-riding facilities on and/or adjacent to motorways and trunk roads.
Highways England Designated Funds.pdf2021Highways EnglandTravel and Transport FundingGuidelines for applying for funding from Highways England for projects meeting HE strategic priorities under any of four categories from 2020 to 2025.
Living Streets - The Pedestrian Pound.pdf2018Living StreetsPedestrianisationOutlines the business and commercial case for the creation of pedestrian and cyclist friendly streets.
Mersey Dee Alliance Fiscal Stimulus Strategy.pdf2021Mersey Dee AllianceTravel and Transport FundingFrequently Asked Questions document regarding the Mersey Dee Alliance Fiscal Stimulus Package and Strategy for business support and skill development.
Cycling and Walking Safety Evidence Assessment.pdf2018NatCen Social ResearchActive Travel ResearchEvidence based assessment of whether cycling and walking interventions are effective in reducing risk to participants without adversely affecting participation.
Liverpool City Region Strategic Rail Study.pdf2020Network RailStrategic RailSets out plans for the future development of the Merseyrail network, including expanding capacity and interconnectivity.
Chester Greenway Habitat Management Plan.pdf2016SustransHabitatSustrans' habitat management plan for the Chester Millennium Greenway, including advice on legally protected and invasive species.
Chester Millennium Greenway Leaflet.pdf2021SustransMap and GuideSustrans public guide to the Chester Millennium Greenway with maps and notes.
A Moment of Change - Covid-19 Advice.pdf2020SustransCycling PolicyGuidance for planning active travel infrastructure and behaviour change programmes encouraging active travel for employment, education and training.
Sustrans De-designation Route List.pdf2020SustransNational Cycle NetworkList of routes for de-designation, signing changes and resolution of route deficiencies.
Sustrans Paths for Everyone.pdf2018SustransNational Cycle NetworkSets out Sustrans' plans for improving safety and accessibility on the National Cycle Network.
Sustrans Standards for Public Cycle Parking 2021.pdf2021SustransCycle Parking and StorageGuidance for the purchase, installation and management of cycle parking which is easy to use, safe, secure and durable.
Sustrans Towards Transport Justice Report.pdf2008SustransCycling PolicyOutlines the steps required to make the transport system socially just, less carbon-intensive and more robust to oil price shocks.
Sustrans Walking Cycling and Wheeling Covid-19 Guidance.pdf2020SustransAdvice and GuidanceCompilation of guidance relating to walking, cycling and wheeling during the Covid-19 pandemic to protect self and others.
Chester Canal Conservation Area Character Appraisal.pdf2018Total EnvironmentCanal and Waterways ConservationDetailed analysis of the Chester Canal Conservation Area and its historic features with recommendations for enhancements and protections.
TfL London Cycling Design Standards.pdf2016Transport for LondonInfrastructure DesignVery comprehensive and detailed document setting out requirements and guidance for the design of cycle-friendly streets and spaces.
Wheels for Wellbeing Guide to Inclusive Cycling.pdf2020Wheels for WellbeingInclusive CyclingDefinitive guide to the design and installation of cycling infrastructure which is inclusive and enabling for all cyclists and all types of wheeled mobility aids.
Northwich Cycling Strategy.pdf2015SustransCycling PolicyDetailed report prepared by Sustrans into options for developing cycle routes along key corridors into Northwich town centre and around gyratory system.
Cycling Campaign Report on A56 Corridor.pdf2020Chester Cycling CampaignInfrastructure DesignVery detailed analysis of the issues associated with the creation of a safe cycle route from the ‘Super Trees’ roundabout to the M56 roundabout.
Chester Transport Strategy Baseline Report.pdf2013AECOMTransport StrategyPrepared by consultants commissioned by CWAC, this is an all encompassing and detailed Transport Strategy covering a 15 year period from 2013 to 2028.
Park and Ride in Chester - Case for a Fifth Site.pdf2013Friends of North Chester GreenbeltTransport StrategyAnalysis of the case for a fifth Park and Ride site in Chester, including the economic, road utilisation and environmental impacts of the proposed scheme.
CWAC Local Transport Plan 2011-2026.pdf2011Cheshire West & Chester CouncilTransport StrategyCheshire West and Chester Council’s strategy and proposals for improving local transport including detailed objectives and an initial implementation plan.
Chester Racecourse Master Plan Design and Access Statement.pdf2018Chester Racecourse CompanyArchitecture and Urban DesignSets out the proposed size, use and siting of planned buildings, including pedestrian/vehicle movements, access, sustainability and options for project phasing.
A41 Route Improvements Survey v8.pdf2022Chester Cycling CampaignInfrastructure DesignDescribes the current infrastructure and the difficulties with the A41 route from Backford to Hoole roundabout as well as a range of potential solutions.
CWAC Active Travel Planning Presentation March 20212021Cheshire West & Chester CouncilUrban PlanningPresentation setting out CWAC's approach to how active travel should be supported through the planning process and local planning policy.
Canal and River Trust Active Travel Presentation March 20212021Canal and River TrustCanal and Waterways ConservationPresentation setting out how the Canal and River Trust acts to improve people's lives including through the support of active travel on the waterway network.
DfT Inclusive Mobility: A Guide to Best Practice.pdf2021Department for TransportInclusive CyclingGuidance on providing an inclusive environment, covering issues related to barriers, the use of technology, and the needs of disabled people.
LCRCA Cycle Parking Guidance.pdf2022Liverpool City Region Combined AuthorityCycle Parking and StorageComprehensive guidance on the principles, types, designs, suitability, financing, management and maintenance of good, inclusive cycle parking.
Definitive Map and PROW Changes Guide.pdf2008Natural EnglandPublic Rights of WayClearly written guidance and information about definitive maps and the ways in which both these maps and individual rights of way can be changed.
Active Travel England Standing Advice Note June 2023.pdf2023Active Travel EnglandInfrastructure DesignExcellent, brief guide for local authorities in assessing planning applications from the point of view of active travel requirements and design.
Fix Your Bike Voucher Scheme Evaluation.pdf2023Department for TransportTravel and Transport FundingEvaluation of the 2020-21 Fix Your Bike voucher scheme, which involved the release of 400,000 £50 vouchers to be used for cycle repair or service.
How to Get Physical Barriers Redesigned or Removed2022SustransInclusive CyclingSustrans' helpful and detailed step-by-step online guide to getting to get barriers redesigned or removed on traffic-free cycle paths.
Active Travel England Corporate Plan 2023-25.pdf2023Active Travel EnglandTransport StrategyThree year Active Travel England organisational and finanical plan including strategic priorities and performance indicators for the period covered.
Ince Neighbourhood Plan2023Ince Parish CouncilLocal PlanningLocal parish level strategic planning document covering the period 2023-2030, including sustainable transport and cycling policies.
Gear Change - One Year On.pdf2021Department for TransportTransport StrategyReview of Government's 'Gear Change' initiative tracking projects such as Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and Big Bike Revival, including effects on cycling levels.
CD-195-Designing-for-Cycle-Traffic.pdf2021Highways EnglandInfrastructure DesignProvides extremely detailed advice regarding requirements for the design of infrastructure for cycle traffic on the motorway and trunk road network.
K and A Frame Barriers - The Case Against v1.0.pdf2024Chester Cycling CampaignInclusive CyclingArguments against the installation of A- or K-Frame barriers due to noncompliance with Gov't guidelines and unacceptability under equality legislation.
Flintshire Parking Supplementary Planning Guidance.pdf2017Flintshire County CouncilInfrastructure DesignDetailed guidance on the design and layout of new or additional parking facilities, including minimum cycle parking standards.
LCRCA Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2018-2028.pdf2018Liverpool City Region Combined AuthorityLocal PlanningImprovement plan for public rights of way in the Liverpool region (including Wirral) with list of planned and costed projects to extend the network.
North Road Ellesmere Port Development Brief.pdf2003Peel Holdings/ Manchester Ship Canal CompanyLocal PlanningOutlines the way in which the Site at North Road could be developed, setting out the key principles for development and guidance for developers.
Property Rights, Public Choice & Urban Containment.pdf1997Mark PenningtonLocal PlanningPHD thesis analysing aspects of the British planning system relating to urban containment, green belt land, private house-building and housing market demand.
Frodsham Solar - Phase One Consultation Summary Report.pdf2024CubicoLocal PlanningOverview of the results of the 2023 Phase One community consultation relating to the development of a large solar farm near Frodsham.