Inclusive Cycling Experience Events

The Chester Cycling Campaign offers a number of inclusive cycling support events. These events are organised by Eileen Morgan, the Campaign’s Inclusive Cycling Officer.

Greenway Inclusive Buddy Rides

Inclusive Cycling Buddy

If you have your own non-standard, power-assisted cycle/wheelchair or mobility scooter (if not, mobility scooters are available for hire from Dial Shop Mobility in Chester) why not join me for a cycle ride along the Greenway to Meadow Lea Farm Coffee Shop, Mickle Trafford where we’ll stop for a refreshment break.

Group events can also be arranged; maximum 6 riders per group (riders requiring assistance must be accompanied).

Please feel free to contact me using the enquiry form below.

All Terrain Country Park Events

Member on Mountain Trike

The Countess of Chester Country Park with its beautiful wild flowers and native trees is popular for hiking, running and walking and with over two miles of tarmacked pathways makes it ideal for the Mountain Trike (walking wheelchair). You’ll need a demonstration before being able to hire the Mountain Trike (see enquiry form below) but once you’ve completed this, you’ll be free to roam the Country Park at your leisure or join me on one of the Mindfulness walks or regular Nordic Walking sessions.

Please feel free to contact me using the enquiry form below.

Mountain Trike Demonstration

All Terrain Wheelchair

All terrain mobility equipment like the Mountain Trike (walking wheelchair) enables those with mobility issues to access countryside that would otherwise be inaccessible to them.

It is important when choosing such equipment that you ensure that the machine meets your requirements and special mobility needs, which is why I offer a demonstration ride. I can offer advice about the range of equipment available, storage and transportation which can be very useful for someone planning to hire or buy their own Mountain Trike.

To find out more about the Mountain Trike hire schemes/purchase, or to arrange a Mountain Trike demonstration, contact me using the enquiry form below.